MMSCFD to Mass Flow Rate Online Conversion Calculator

The following online calculator allows for the conversion of Volumetric Flow Rates given in MMSCFD (million standard cubic feet per day) to Mass Flow Rates such as kg/s, kg/hr, lb/s and lb/s. The calculator requires the following inputs:

  • Molecular Weight
  • Standard Temperature (Imperial)
  • Standard Pressure (Imperial)
  • Standard Temperature (Metric)
  • Standard Pressure (Metric)

The following calculator is often useful in Acoustic Induced Vibration (AIV) assessments where a mass flow rate is not given in the Instrument Specification Sheet, the mass flow rate is required for the PWL calculation during the initial screening stage of an AIV assessment.

Note: As MMSCFD is an Imperial Unit, this must be taken into account when converting into Metric units therefore the standard values must be know for Imperial and Metric conditions.

MMSCFD to Mass Flow Rate Conversion Tool

Please note that this or any other calculators on the are for information only. WKC Group has endeavoured to ensure that the information presented here is accurate and that the calculations are correct, but will not accept responsibility for any consequential damages, faults or human errors that may arise from the use of formulas, inventories and values.